How to Upload Documents of the Employee from HRMS Module and how to give access to the user to upload their documents?
Step 1➖First Login to BORG Suite ERP and then open HRMS Module.
Step 2➖ Click on the toggle button located in the top left corner of HRMS dashboard to expand the menu options.Click on the “Employee on Roll.”
Step 3➖Clicking on the Employee on Roll opens a page where you will see the list of all the Employees on Roll. Click on the Edit Button for uploading the documents of the particular employee.
Step 4➖Clicking the Edit button opens a page where you can edit the employee's details. Scroll down to the Upload Document section. Click the Add More button to add an option for uploading a document. Enter the document name, click Choose File to select the document image, and then click the Update button to successfully add the document.
User Access :
Step 1➖First Login to BORG Suite ERP.
Step 2➖ Click on the toggle button located in the top left corner of Admin dashboard to expand the menu options.Click on the “User Management."
Step 3➖Clicking on the User Management opens a page where you will see the list of all the Users. Click on the User Permission Button for giving the access of uploading documents for the particular user.
Step 4➖Clicking the User Permission button opens a page where you can grant a user access to upload documents. Scroll down to the HRMS Module section. To grant permission, check the Add Personal Information checkbox. To remove the permission, simply uncheck the box and then, click on Update Button to Save the changes.