How to edit / update / manage / modify some information or product attributes ??
Product Management allows to modify or update Product information if needed as per uses.
Borg Desk Workplace allows to modify or update Product information if needed one by one in this FAQ. In day-2-day use, It will become more strong for making product master.
Borg Desk Workplace allows to modify or update product information if needed & one by one in this FAQ. In day-2-day use, It will become more strong for making product master.. In day-2-day use, It will become more strong for making product master.
Login to Borg Desk ERP--------- > Go to “Inventory” Module -------- > Click on “View Product List -------- > Go to “Action” in the left last column -------- > Click on “Edit (Pencil) Icon” --------- > modify product information as required ------ >Click on “Update” button in the bottom as shown below-
Post successful modification, Borg recomend to get trained from Borg Desk trainers to ease the implementation of Borg Desk Workplace.
Note : Please keep in mind, Borg Desk does not allow to edit / update product ID & Product Name & it's not technically feasible in most of applications whereas all other product's attributes can be updated as when it's needed by super admin / admin / user with edit rights. If Product Name needs some corrections, It can be deleted from view product lits action delete button by super admin / admin / user with edit rights.
You must have noticed same fields to input product information as in Add product. Things can be modified & updated from here in this way by super admin / admin / user with edit rights.