How to Add / Create / Onboard Employee on Daily Wages Appointment from Human Resources Management System (HRMS) Module?
Step 1➖ By clicking the toggle button in the top left corner will expand the full menu, where you'll find an option to "Manage Daily Wages." as shown in the below image ➖
Step 2➖Clicking the "Manage Daily Wages Employees" option opens a New Page where you can view a list of all the Daily Wages Employee as shown in below image ➖
Step 3➖Clicking the "+" button in the top right corner opens a new page for adding new employees as shown in below image➖
Step 4➖Clicking the "+" button opens a form for adding new employees. Fill in the employee details and click "Next" to proceed. You can also clear the form by clicking the "Reset" button as shown in the below image ➖
Step 5➖Clicking "Next Button" opens a new form to enter all remaining employee details, including:
- Basic Details
- Employment Details
- Salary Detail
After filling all the fields click on the Submit button to add a New Daily Wages Employees.