How to Prepare / Make Salary from BORG Human Resource Management System (HRMS)?
Step 1➖ By clicking the toggle button in the top left corner will expand the full menu, where you'll find an option to "Payroll Management -> Prepare Salary" as shown in the below image ➖
Step 2➖Clicking on the "Prepare Salary" option navigates to a new page Prepare Salary.
Step 3➖Select the Employee Name from the "Select Employee Name" dropdown, then choose the Month from the Month dropdown and the Year. Finally, click the Submit button.
Step 4➖After clicking the Submit button, the system automatically calculates the selected employee's salary. You can then enter amounts for Incentive (bonus), Performance Sharing Scheme, and Other Deductions, or enter 0 if none apply. The system calculates the final salary based on these inputs. Finally, click the "Prepare Salary" button to generate the employee's salary slip.