How start / setup task force / task management / team collaboration / service task / team task / performance management / team accountable system in my business ?
Task Force module in Borg Desk brings collaboration among all team members in the company. It makes each team member / employee accountable for their assigned task in time within set deadline by task creator. It generates many reports for analyzing team performance from many aspects depending on organizational challenge. It's easy to implement & most effective. It also sends reminders & updates notification to all team members which expedite closing of tasks within deadline.
Implementation / Onboarding Task Force Module into Business Process -
Step 1- Signup with Borg Desk Account ( It's initially free for signgle admin account for 14 days) with your organisation details ( Correct details as few of them can't be cahnged later). Pls note, choose upur relavent product type ( Sales CRM or Service Desk or Stock & Distributors or Borg HR & Payroll or Borg Task Force or Borg Desk (All-in-One) before signingup to avoid many hassles due to wrong selection of products. Just for Identification, Selected product Name would be Blue in Color to recognize in better way)
Note - It may ask for OTP for validating your Mobile & Email id which is being used for craetion of account so put there valid details including comopany name.
2. Company Name can not be changed later ( Pls use full Company Name as per there in GST Certificate)
3. After Scuccessful registration, you will recieve login details in your email id & Mobile ( If whatsapp enabled) for your further application.
4. We highly recoment, not to use share your login credential to anyone else for security purpose
5. Once you logged-in, You can buy user or master admin or both type of license from cart icon on the header top right.
After successful registration ( Signup) process, Now It's time to do some necessary configutaion (setup) to get maximum out of Borg Desk Module.
Step 2- Manage your Profile with all required details ( Please do not leave any field blank to comply with the process otherwise it may need to update again in the page later. Refer this link to follow the process to move ahead with profile updation - Click Here for profile update Guide
Step 3 - Create Category of Task as per your business needs. Refer for help to create & Manage Task Category - Click Here
Step 4 - Enable Whatsapp & Email updates & Reminders - Refer for help to create & Manage Task Category - Click Here
If Still any Concern or need one-to-one session with our Product Manager Reach out to us on or Mails us from your regisrted email id to "[email protected]" our team will get back to you