How an employee can apply their claim for reimbursement?
As mentioned, several places in the Borg Knowledge Borg Suite facilitates separate login dashboard or control panel for employee to apply or track their record or activities.
Employee can apply for any type of entitled claim such as mobile bill, Local conveyance, TA or DA etc.
Follow following path to apply for claim--
Login to Borg Suite --------- > Go to "Human Resource" Module --------- > Click on "Reimbursement" in the side bar menu --------- > Click on "Apply claim" ------ > Fill the required details -------- > Submit the claim form as shown below-
In the above claim form, select claim name if available or add new claim. Claim name is required to add only first time, later it will be available for selection.
In case, Employee does not have access for login to the Borg, HR can apply from their admin account.